Vezul Residence is located 5800 from ZOOM and it can be reached within 8 mins by car.
There are many other shops situated in the area of Vezul Residence, the 3 closest being:
- Dubai UAE is 760 m away (about 10 mins. by foot)
- Lanolin FZE is 780 m away (about 10 mins. by foot)
- MALL FINDER is 790 m away (about 10 mins. by foot)
The surrounding area, where Vezul Residence is situated, offers a wide variety of restaurants. See the closest of them below:
- City Café - Business Bay is 20 m away (a walk of about 1 min.)
- Brew House - Business Bay is 10 m away (a walk of about 1 min.)
- Sizzling Wok - Business Bay is 0 m away (a walk of about 1 min.)
KENZA WELLNESS is the nearest health facility, which is 5.4 km away (you can drive there in 7 mins.) from the project, while the closest schools in the proximity of Vezul Residence are:
- Laveqlash Academy is 980 m away (about 12 mins. by foot)
- NYOGA - Private Yoga Classes at Home is 920 m away (about 11 mins. by foot)
- Meeting is 920 m away (about 11 mins. by foot)
0 is located 0 from Vezul Residence and it takes about 0. by car or taxi (depending on the traffic) to get there.